Friday 28 October 2016

Importance of having Mobile Applications in the Business of Education:

For the ones who have been living on Mars or anywhere but Earth, it would come as a surprise that education has been transformed into a flourishing business, and alongside, it has inculcated technology to make the financial returns lavish. Now, technology has become an integral part of education, and given the access people have to peripheral devices, mobile applications based on various educational projects are taking the market by storm. From primary school to completing your thesis, there is nothing that isn’t available on mobile applications based on education. Given how on-demand services and mobile applications are replacing the conventional form of interface, and as more and more educational institutes embrace digitization of education, it becomes imperative to understand the importance of having mobile applications in the business of education.

What has made these mobile applications development critical to the business of education is feasibility and scalability. Turns out, with an internet connection, one can opt for any course offered in universities across the world. Alongside, with the comfort of your peripheral device, you can access these courses anywhere, thus eliminating any geographical constraints. Websites offering these courses have now taken to mobile applications to reach out to a greater number of users, they have been further enhanced by paid subscriptions along with the ones that are free, thus helping users with more choices. Through mobile applications, users and students are able to make better decisions when it comes to opting for a course, have instant access to all their educational material, and most importantly, don’t have to worry much about carrying their notebooks and references everywhere.

How is this achieved? Turns out, the idea behind the application is critical to its success. The course being offered, the manner in which they are being offered (videos, texts, etc.), and for the time duration they are being offered are critical to the students paying for these. Applications that offer more courses and assistance are generally downloaded more. Recently, Facebook collaborated with a leading educational giant from India, ‘Byju’s’, in order to reach out to more students looking for opportunities. Clearly, there are many takers for this form of education, especially in the developing economies where both infrastructure and manpower are lacking.

Along with the idea of the application, the UX and UI Design are also important. Many educational applications in the past have failed because they couldn’t come up with an impressive UX and UI Design. There is no point in offering multiple courses when users can’t traverse through each of them with ease or to have extensively researched course material when none of it can be projected through a great UI Design. Users not only seek information that is impeccable, but also the one that is easier to understand given the hardware platform in place.

Clearly, there has been a visible shift from the classroom teaching methods to digitized ones. Students tend to enjoy the latter more, given the flexibility it comes with. While on-demand services continue to dictate the market trends for now in terms of mobile applications, it would be interesting to see how the education sector makes any headway in order to establish itself firmly.

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Reasons Why iPhones are a better option over Android Devices:

A few years from now, when we shall look back at this decade in terms of technological advances, we shall remember it as the era when Android and iOS went against each other in a competition that span over a billion users and devices. As users, we are always curious to know the ideal mobile Operating System, and yet, given the pros and cons of both, unable to make a decision when it comes to opting one, since the line dividing the two Operating Systems is way too narrow. However, as it turns out, it isn’t that narrow after all. Recent trends suggest that iPhone is doing much better than Android, and in this article, we shall understand how is it happening.

Security, the first aspect which makes iPhones better than Androids. According to a study, it has been seen that Android users are more exposed to malware, as compared to the ones using iOS Devices. This is because the Android users never bother to update their devices, and a majority of them, continue to use the Gingerbread version which came over two years ago. However, users quickly update to the latest iOS version, thus saving themselves a world of pain from malware attacks. Alongside, it has been seen that is way too easy to break into Android devices through malware attacks, and this is when compared against Blackberry, Windows, etc. (If anyone still uses them.)

In terms or privacy, iPhones beat the Android devices easily. While brute-forcing the passwords by hackers is a ruled out option in iOS, given the device shuts down forever, Apple has added a ton of other features, one of them being the encryption in iMessage to safeguard users’ data and privacy. In a recent conclave, it was concluded by experts that Apple itself cannot break into an iOS device that came after iPhone 5S, as the privacy measures are designed to withstand every threat. Android, on the other hand as a lot of catching up to do when it comes to securing the privacy of its users.

Apple’s pro-privacy behavior also helps the faith of its users. While refusing the FBI to unlock an iPhone device that would have required an extensive program, Apple made it clear that it wasn’t willing to release any software or program in the market that would leave its users vulnerable to attacks, in an event where the program falls into lost hands. The FBI fought a long hard case, but with no result. Given Apple’s take on users’ privacy, it does surpass every effort ever made by Android.

However, is Android a complete waste of your time and money? Turns out, it’s not. While iOS is also termed as a walled garden, given the limitations when it comes to customizing user experience, Android offers tons of options for you have a better interface experience. Alongside, the number of applications offered within the Android framework are way greater than those offered in iOS. As both Operating Systems battle it out in terms of user numbers, application trends, and growth, it is safe to assume that the competition is only going to get interesting as the time passes. However, for now, one can assume that iOS has an edge over Android, given its measures on security and privacy.

Thursday 20 October 2016

How to Choose the Ideal Mobile Application Development Platform?

Choosing the ideal mobile application development platform can be a tedious process, especially if you have no idea how to go about it. Therefore, enterprises and companies are requested to keep several factors in mind, one of the main being if they are looking to have a cloud or on-premises offering. Eventually, the success of your application would depend on upon the mobile application development platform you have chosen. Also, the choice must be based on the requirements of your organization and assist developers in creating applications in the long run that meet user expectations. At the end, it all comes down to the type of applications you are looking to create, the environments they are looking to target, and what users expect of them.

To begin with, it is important to understand the features that the mobile application development platform of your choice comes with. It is important for your developers to have the freedom where they can build, test, debug, host and regulate the maintenance apps, and deploy an application without any fuss, and that too in the long run. If this can’t be done, it won’t be very helpful to have that platform. Time and again, experts have stressed upon the importance of using a platform that is easy to work on and has ample support for collaborative workflows and approval processing, the two being integral to the functioning of apps these days.

Alongside, the mobile application development platform you have chosen should come with extensible middle-ware and backend services. These are important given the fact that applications are required to have functions that allow push notifications, authentication, and storage of information critical to users’ app usage. An ideal mobile application development platform would come with complete application program interfaces that meet modern day standards. Also, it is important to note that you would be looking to integrate third-party services which include deployment on the application store, control of access, scalability, and most importantly, data synchronization.

It would be naive to choose a mobile application development platform without considering the mobile operating system you are looking to use your applications on. While Google Android stands out as a favorite among-st developers, companies and firms prefer iOS from Apple. Turns out, Windows and Blackberry are still opted for in some primitive areas of the business world.

Cross-platform development has become useful in the contemporary age of application design. Known as the process to create the hybrid of native applications that can be run on multiple Operating Systems, such as the recent successful Pokemon Go. In this case, the developers share the benefit as they are only required to create single code-base through which the required operating systems are targeted as the code is automatically generated by the cross-platform tool.

If you are unaware of the factors that are critical to making the right choice when it comes to choosing a mobile application development platform, you should help yourself through the advice of some experts. However, it would be wrong to choose any platform in haste as that could doom any future prospects of your application. Understand the market you are looking to target, the preferred mobile operating system among your users, and that should help you choose the ideal mobile application platform.

Monday 10 October 2016

Understanding Website Development: How Content and Credibility are Related?

Website construction has transformed into a process that is far less tedious and complex as it was earlier. This can be attributed to the tons of software programs that are now available at the disposal of the users. Even the ones without any sufficient knowledge of coding are easily able to build websites for various services and products. While the count of websites across the World Wide Web, there are certain blogs and news websites doing much better.

For the websites that do not require primary content from their users, there are multiple challenges present when it comes to content designing. While websites like Facebook and Twitter (social networking websites) rely on their users for the content, many other websites that offer services (Zomato) and information (Times of India) have their credibility determined by the content they post.

For a user, the content means everything. For the ones who log on to a website in order to garner content, the authenticity of that content is integral. Once the authenticity has been established, there is a need for better presentation and readability. If you are looking to plague your user experience with slow loading web pages or content divided through slides, you are merely helping them with more reasons to not return to your site. For any website to establish or enhance its credibility, it’s important for it to have the content properly curated.

So, what are the few common mistakes seen with the content? To begin with, many websites go in for slideshows that not only frustrate your user, but also disrupt the flow of the content. There are also websites that go in for content that is majorly outsourced from other websites. This repels many users as they are looking to sign up on a site only if it has something unique to offer. Alongside, many websites tend to design content that is only supposed to get users on the website. While this leads to a high bounce rate, the website suffers in the long run. If you are looking to design a blog or launch an internet media house, click bait articles should be never on your list.

Spamming content also does nothing to help the cause of your credibility. Site owners often believe that adding more content can generate users. While consistency is in posting the content is integral to your website, you should look to avoid posting similar content again and again.

The future of website development and Mobile App development shall heavily rely on the type of content being used. While info-graphics are ushering a trend where powerful graphics complement precise data, the core of the website, for long, is going to rely on the type of content in use. Therefore, if you are looking to build a credible website, start with some credible content.